Roanoke Catholic installing new commercial wireless network

As part of a comprehensive school-wide technology upgrade, Roanoke Catholic has begun installing a new $60,000 commercial wireless network that…

We know what your favorite RCS teacher wants for Christmas!

We've created this "wish list" of items from our teachers to enhance their classroom experience for our students. Now you…

Tradition of Roanoke Catholic School Ring Day

Rings are more than just finger decor ... at least at Roanoke Catholic School's Ring Day that was celebrated Oct.…

Roanoke Catholic exceeds $250,000 in state tax credit contributions

NEWS RELEASE: Just 100 days into our fiscal year, Roanoke Catholic School has broken the $250,000 mark in contributions raised under…

Rapping for votes in Roanoke Catholic SGA election

VIDEO: Whether you're a 6th grader or 60 years old, it takes courage to speak in front of hundreds of your peers.…

Rube Goldberg & Roanoke Catholic

In preparation for the 2015 Virginia Science Festival, Roanoke Catholic School teacher Tim Carlin inspired his 5th grade students to…

3D + High Tech: Engineering at Roanoke Catholic School

VIDEO: We know Batman is high-tech. Now the superhero — along with our new 3D printer — is helping a group…

Roanoke Catholic students graduate with up to year’s worth of college credits

By next spring, Roanoke Catholic seniors Abby Secamiglio and Nathanael Pilar will not only finish high school but also, depending…

Chemistry is HOT at Roanoke Catholic

DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! Unless you're under the instruction of Roanoke Catholic chemistry teacher Sara Plante. Last week, Ms. Plante…

PEMDAS Art: making math fun at Roanoke Catholic School

The left and right sides of Roanoke Catholic middle school students' brains collided this week when Mrs. Brajdic turned a humdrum math lesson…

Roanoke Catholic celebrates Opening School Mass

Classes may have begun a week ago here at Roanoke Catholic, but in many ways today felt like the first…