Learning Differences Resources

Resource Department

Roanoke Catholic School recognizes the potential inherent within each student. Our school embraces the challenge to provide assistance and programs to serve students with special needs according to the resources available within and to the school. Parents are considered an important part of the process.

In order to accommodate a student who has been evaluated for special learning needs, parents are obligated to share educational/psychological testing results and any resulting plan with the school.

If a student has a documented disability, a copy of a student education plan should be maintained in the student’s confidential file. Students who have a documented disability but do not qualify for services through the local public school may be eligible for accommodations through a Student Assistance Plan written at Roanoke Catholic School.

Who can we serve?

-Students with a documented disability or service plan from the public schools
-Students with a documented disability based upon a private educational evaluation
-Students with academic difficulties who are referred by a parent, teacher, or an administrator
-New students with a suspected disability

How do we serve students? As all students are unique and have unique needs, services are individualized on a case by case basis, but may include:

-Using resources and data to support staff in meeting students’ needs
-Assisting staff in modifying and adapting curriculum to meet students’ needs
-Conducting initial and follow up testing and classroom observations
-Training staff in special education areas
-Collaborating with a reading specialist and Roanoke City special education staff to provide services to identified students
-Acting as a liaison with parents on special education/accommodation matters
-Attending meetings with parents and Roanoke City special education staff
-Direct service to students in classroom and on a pull-out basis as needed in reading, math, writing, organization and planning skills, study skills and test taking strategies.

For further information, please contact Matt Peck, Dean of Students, at 540.982.3532