ASC Fee Schedule | ||
Early Pickup (before 4:30 PM) | Late Pickup (4:30-6 PM) | |
Annual Rate | $1548 per child | First child $2304 Each additional sibling $2196 |
Single-Day Rate | $10 per child | $14 per child |
Early Dismissal Day Rate | $14 per child (12-3 PM) | $18 per child (after 3 PM) |
LATE CHARGE – $2.00 for each minute past 6:00 PM, payable upon parent’s arrival.
ASC Payments for full-time participants will be automatically added to your FACTS tuition draw. Parents who use the program on a drop-in basis anytime between 3:00-6:00 PM will need to pay the After School Care Director daily.
Questions can be directed to Delores Azar at [email protected] .