Time to re-enroll for 2017-18. Check out our new instructional video!

It is time to re-enroll for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Re-enrollment by March 31 will earn your family a $50 cafeteria credit for the 2017-18 school year. In addition, if you re-enroll by May 31, your child’s name will be entered into a drawing for “frozen” tuition; in other words, if your child’s name is drawn, his or her tuition amount for next year will be the 2016-17 amount for the grade level he or she is entering.

CLICK HERE to see our parents’ letter and re-enrollment instructions, which includes frequently asked questions. Please also view our easy-to-follow instructional video below.

Please contact enrollment director Melissa Barnard at [email protected] or 540.982.3532, ext. 2130, if you have any other questions about re-enrollment, need assistance with the process, or need access to a computer in the school library.