Continuous Enrollment


Most families continue to educate their children with RCS through high school graduation.  Roanoke Catholic School now uses Continuous Enrollment (CE) to streamline the enrollment process, allowing our families to manage their students’ enrollment from year to year with ease. 


Important dates:

  • February 15: The opt-out period opens for the 25-26 school year.
  • March 15: The last day to opt out of Continuous Enrollment for the 25-26 school year.
  • March 18: Non-Refundable Continuous Enrollment Tuition Deposit of $250 due
    (Usually drawn via FACTS) unless an Opt Out Form is submitted by March 15.*

    • *After March 15th, if you withdraw your student, you will be assessed tuition as follows:
      • March 16 until the last day of Summer Break – 20% of the tuition is due.
      • From the First Day of School forward – 100% of tuition is due.

  • April 1:  Review Packets for returning students are open to check and update your information. 
  • April 15: Due date to submit Review Packets.


Opt-Out & Withdrawal Process

To opt out of Continuous Enrollment for the 25-26 school year, complete the Opt Out/Withdrawal Form (below):

*This form will be activated on February 15.

We encourage you to contact the RCS Finance Office or the Enrollment Office if there is a concern or an issue that we may be able to assist with before you complete the Opt Out Form.

This form will be digitally sent to the Enrollment Coordinator, the Head of School, and the Finance Office.


A reminder: student records and transcripts are not released for students who are withdrawn until all current tuition and fees are paid in full and all RCS materials have been turned in.


Note for parents opting out of Continuous Enrollment for the 25-26 academic year:

Your student’s spot at RCS will no longer be guaranteed and will be subject to classroom availability, should you decide to return to RCS.  If you later decide to return, the Continuous Enrollment Agreement will need to be completed again along with payment of the $250 Continuous Enrollment tuition deposit.