The final three weeks of our 2020-21 academic year feature major events on CelticsLive.com/green-channel for Roanoke Catholic’s community of students, faculty, alumni, families and friends.
- Tuesday, May 19, 7 PM: SENIOR SPEECHES (see schedule below)
- Wednesday, May 20, 7 PM: SENIOR SPEECHES (see schedule below)
- Thursday, May 21, 12 Noon: QUARANTINE EDITION
- Tuesday, May 26, 12 Noon: QUARANTINE EDITION
- Thursday, May 28, 12 Noon: QUARANTINE EDITION
- Tuesday, June 2, 7 PM: SEVENTH GRADE LITURGY
- Saturday, June 6, 11 AM: GRADUATION (pre-show at 10 AM)
Check out our Graduation Broadcast Preview Video below. You can be part of our broadcast by sending a photo or video shout-out to the Class of 2020 to mhemphill@roanokecatholic.
Each speech includes a visual presentation lasting 5-7 minutes and is the culmination of a senior’s semester-long research project.
Each speech includes a visual presentation lasting 5-7 minutes and is the culmination of a senior’s semester-long research project.
Tuesday, May 19, 7 PM
- David Gepitulan: Bipolar Disorder
- Megan Keeley: U.S. Prison Systems
- Tania Knipp: Medicine in Developing Countries
- Thomas Becker: Fear
- Danny Connelly: Depression
- Jared La Treill: Net Neutrality
- Michael Pilar: Dementia
- Zach Greenlees: Career-Ending Sports Injuries
- Traevis Kopcial: Pollution
- Amelia Pyle: Cystic Fibrosis
- Ryan Via: Conspiracy Theories
Wednesday, May 20, 7 PM: SENIOR SPEECHES
- Emily Hemphill: Women’s Rights
- Danna Rufino: Medical Malpractice
- Kristen Russell: Chick-fil-A
- Christian Toney: Tattoos
- Seaira Siv: Pop Music Through the Ages
- Julia Tosoni: Schizophrenia
- Sydney Reichardt: Religion in Health Care
- Sarah Sweeney: Prison System Comparisons
- Elise Wilson-Leedy: Recycling
- Alayna Thompson: Mental Illness
- Lucas Vassar: Video Games and Violence
- Noah Thompson: Memes