Roanoke Catholic celebrates Opening School Mass
Classes may have begun a week ago here at Roanoke Catholic, but in many ways today felt like the first day of school as we celebrated our Opening School Mass. Nearly 500 students plus teachers, staff, and some parents too, filled St. Andrew’s Catholic Church. We welcomed newly ordained Fr. Matt Kiehl, our new campus chaplain,
PEMDAS Art: making math fun at Roanoke Catholic School
The left and right sides of Roanoke Catholic middle school students’ brains collided this week when Mrs. Brajdic turned a humdrum math lesson into a creative art class. In math problems involving the Order of Operations — aka PEMDAS, or “Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction” — parentheses outrank exponents, which outrank multiplication and division,
Chemistry is HOT at Roanoke Catholic
DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME! Unless you’re under the instruction of Roanoke Catholic chemistry teacher Sara Plante. Last week, Ms. Plante introduced her 10th and 11th grade students to the chemistry lab and tasked them with calculating the temperature of a bunsen burner. Sound simple? Not quite. You can’t just tell the burner to say ahh
Roanoke Catholic students graduate with up to year’s worth of college credits
By next spring, Roanoke Catholic seniors Abby Secamiglio and Nathanael Pilar will not only finish high school but also, depending on where they continue their education, their freshman year of college. How? Because both students will graduate Roanoke Catholic with 21 college credits thanks to the school’s partnership with two Virginia colleges. Secamiglio and Pilar
3D + High Tech: Engineering at Roanoke Catholic School
VIDEO: We know Batman is high-tech. Now the superhero — along with our new 3D printer — is helping a group of Roanoke Catholic seniors get a jump start on a career in engineering. Upper School teacher Donna Nickels gave up her planning period to lead the students on their high-tech scientific exploration. “We live in a
Rube Goldberg & Roanoke Catholic
In preparation for the 2015 Virginia Science Festival, Roanoke Catholic School teacher Tim Carlin inspired his 5th grade students to create “Rube Goldberg machines” — contraptions featuring complicated chain reactions to perform a simple task. Students divided into teams of three to create 11 different machines. Mr. Carlin then took a piece from each machine
Rapping for votes in Roanoke Catholic SGA election
VIDEO: Whether you’re a 6th grader or 60 years old, it takes courage to speak in front of hundreds of your peers. Today, 14 Roanoke Catholic 6th and 7th graders did just that. Standing at a podium before the entire Lower School, each bravely shared why he or she deserved to be elected treasurer, secretary, vice-president or president of
Roanoke Catholic exceeds $250,000 in state tax credit contributions
NEWS RELEASE: Just 100 days into our fiscal year, Roanoke Catholic School has broken the $250,000 mark in contributions raised under the state’s Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credit program, saving donors more than $160,000 in state taxes while providing vital tuition assistance for struggling families who desire a private school education for their children. “This new
Tradition of Roanoke Catholic School Ring Day
Rings are more than just finger decor … at least at Roanoke Catholic School’s Ring Day that was celebrated Oct. 22. Since 1981, RCS Ring Day has signified for the junior class “your relationships with each other and the commitment to be there for each other,” said Dr. Chris Keeley, Class of ’85, who received his ring